Lindsay Takes on London

Saturday, March 04, 2006

midterms = stupidest idea ever!

so at this school, i have a midterm in every single subject, whether it be a paper or a test. which is STUPID. haha, so far they haven't been horrible though, i thought i was going to do really bad on my adolescent psych midterm test but it was actually good. spring break starts this thursday :-) and dan yanklowski is coming on SUNDAY! we have so many great plans already, and i just can't wait to see him!
yesterday i went back to Portobello Road with Courtney and Rachel, its in Notting Hill which is soo pretty. the main market day is saturday so it wasn't as busy as it was last time i went, but they still had a ton of stuff! we walked there, and then it started to snow so we took the tube back.
the weather here has been SO random lately, it will be really nice in the early afternoon so that you are sweating when you're wearing your coat, and then a few hours later its still sunny but its snowing and freeezing! its supposed to get warmer this week so hopefully it will be nice for dan.
i am finally all caught up on greys anatomy and the OC :-) i watched the first season of greys too. a very good way to waste time / be emotional, haha. i miss watching it with my favs though!
today i took a walk to the British Library. it was SO COOL! they have this "Treasures Gallery" and i did an audio tour thing, some of the highlights of things in their collection are:
** the Magna Carta (which i didn't get to see because it was getting restored, BOO)
** the original lewis carroll hand drawn alice in wonderland - which was SO neat, it was all done in pencil and the illustrations were great
** one of only 30 surviving orignal Gutenberg Bibles - it was huge!
** original scores of music HANDWRITTEN by mozart and beethoven, which was sooo neat, you could see where they made scratch outs and changed things
** the original writings of a bunch of beatles songs - like the napkin that they wrote "all my life" on and a card that they wrote "a hard days night" on, so cool! again lots of scratch outs so you could see what they were thinking
** and the oldest known bible in the ENTIRE world. its from 300 ad, yes thats only 300 years after christ's death, and its written in greek.
i spent a good two hours there and it was definitely worth the two pounds i paid for my audio tour! unfortunately you aren't allowed to take pictures, but just take my word that it was really neat! tomorrow i am actually going to CHURCH! gasp! Courtney and Rachel pointed one out to me on our walk to portobello road thats not that far away. then i might check out another museum, but i also have alot to do for more midterms this week.
ok well adios muchachos, miss you all! i can't believe the semester is half over already!


  • Couch time (AKA Greys) just isn't the same without you and your oreos. However, Pulli has tried to fill your shoes by making chocolate cake 17 times per week. (Pulli, don't even try to deny it, you know you do haha) We miss you, have fun on your break! ;-)

    By Blogger leah, at Sun Mar 05, 02:32:00 PM  

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