Lindsay Takes on London

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

second day of school - done

so classes started monday, i only had one on monday but had 3 today, doesn't sound too bad but today was 9 hours worth of class, yuck! but i have found that all the classes i've had so far seem really interesting and shouldn't be too tough. there's alot more reading involved than in classes at RPI, but its nice because it gives me something to do, and since i'm interested in the topics it isn't painful to read about them haha. So yesterday I had "London Film and Alternative Theater Scene- Focus on the Socially Excluded", yea sounds like a giant mouthful but its so cool. Its basically a film / theater class that focuses on how the soically excluded are portrayed, like the homeless, poor, immigrants, mentally unstable, etc. We get to go see 4 plays and 4 films FREE in london with the class, which is cool, and there is a community service requirement. We have to help this shelter called Toynbee Hall which helps the poorest area of London's people. The project I am going to help with is one where we take kids from a very very disadvantaged school and bring them to the english country side for a day, during which they get to do many outdoor activities and such, but i will be helping them to learn about photography and they each get a camera to use for the day to take pictures with. i think it will be a LOT of fun.

todays classes - first i had adolescent psych, which was really interesting. at first i was worried because every other student is a psych major, but the textbook is really easy to read so it won't be too bad. then i had art in london, which is bascially a field trip art history class where we meet three times at school and then the rest of the time we are out at museums looking at diffferent pieces, very cool. oh yea and almost every museum in london is FREE = amazing! then i had cultural diversity in the media, which i'm not really sure what its about yet but like it already because we watched dumbo and the jungle book in it. apparently walt disney threw in alot of racist things to his films, but i still love him anyway. so far so good. i have one more new class tomorrow, the one i am MOST excited about - Killer and Thriller, Murder in Fiction Films. thats like lindsays dream class haha. its with the same professor i had for the dumbo class and he is really great so it should be good.

also today i learned that americans are for the most part just as obnoxious as foriegners think we are. people are ridiculous.

in other news, i met some nice people today and yesterday through classes, so i'm glad about that because it was getting to be pretty hard. ok thats all for now, adios


  • Hi, Linz- Your classes sound so cool- I'm so jealous! Between regular sightseeing and going to the museums for your art classes, you'll really have London covered- you'll know your way around like a native. The photos you posted were great, too- I especially liked that you labeled every one with what it was- particularly the buildings- they all start to look the same after a while! Wishing you better luck in the food department- keep trying - experience new things! Love Auntie Dee

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thu Jan 26, 09:47:00 AM  

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