Lindsay Takes on London

Saturday, February 11, 2006

time is flying by!

so this week has gone by SUPER fast! monday i did my community service in the "countryside" really it was just like a girl scout kind of park, like wind in the pines kind of thing. me and one other girl from my class were the only ones that went, and we were in charge of 6 7-8 year olds at a time for an hour, and did it for 3 hours. we went out side with them and they took pictures of different things in the park like shadows, light, water, etc. it was alot of fun, but all 6 kids had to share one instant camera so they got a little bratty at times. also the kids had never been to the countryside before and had never really seen mud, and boy was there alot of mud there! so they kept getting stuck in these huge mud puddles and we would have to pull them out - i was VERY sore the next day!
then as soon as we were done with thta, we met up with the rest of our class and went to see a play called Beautiful Thing. it was ok, it was about two 15year old boys that realize they are gay and "in love" with each other. we were pretty much the only females at the play, and also the only not gay older men which was a little weird.

then tuesday i had to go to this museum for my art class, Tate Modern, it was really cool but we didn't have enough time to see htat much and the tour our teacher gave us was SUPER boring. lucky for me my two night classes on tuesday and wednesday night were canceled! woo hoo! so that brings me already to the weekend!

on thursday night, i went with a bunch of people to this bar called cafe royale. we heard it was "indy night" but i wasn't sure what that meant hahaa. but when we got there it was SO SO FUN! they played like 70s / 80s rock / punk ish music and we just danced our hearts out for like 3 or 4 hours. it was nice to be able to dance and have a blast with out being at a creepy club where people try to touch you haha, and the music was so much fun. i am definitely going back there! only bad part was that a bottle of beer was 3.50 pounds which is 7 bucks! yuck.

then yesterday i had to go to ANOTHER play with that same class, this one was a bout a teen ager who was sent to prison for 3 months for stealing something stupid, and on the day before he was released his cell mate murdered him - because his cell mate was a psychotic racist and the teen was asian. this was a "documentary drama" which means it was all factual, so it was very very dry, and most of the time people were just reciting memos or letters and statistics so it kinda sucked. and we left here at 5:30 and didn't get back till midnight! AHHH.

today i am going to a big soccer game, i am SO excited even though i don't really like soccer that much i think it will be really cool to go because people here are so into it! then tomorrow i need to buckle down and do a lot of work, its scary because teachers are already talking about midterms, time is definitely flying by!

my parents are coming next monday and i am super excited about that, i can't believe its already almost the middle of february!

oh and in other news - i now eat special k bars, nutrigrain bars and BANANAs on a regular basis. who am i? haha. ok leave some love, i miss and love you all!


  • i cant believe youre eating healthy foods! it sounds like you are having a great time and im soo jealous!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Feb 12, 10:40:00 PM  

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