Lindsay Takes on London

Sunday, February 19, 2006

upcoming events to share :-)

so i know i just posted yesterday but i wanted to let you know what my plans are the rest of the semester. it is going to SAIL by me, as i only have ONE free weekend left till i go home!

Tomorrow - my parents come!
March 12- Dan comes for the week :-)

March 24 - Weekend Trip to Edinburgh, Scotland
April 1 - Auntie Dee comes!
April 7 - go see Mary Poppins with Auntie Dee :-)
April 21 - weekend trip to Horse Back Ride in Wales!
April 27 - May 1 - Trip to Dublin, Galway and Cork Ireland
Then the next week is final exams, and May 7 I'm back in the states! Holy COW!
Then May 21 - My wonderful sister is getting married, and May 22-27 I'll be in Punta Cana with Dan!

I can't believe how little time it seems I already have left, but I am SUPER excited for all my trips and hope I don't come home completely bankrupt! wish you all were here with me!


  • You're going to see Mary Poppins? Don't tell my Mom, she would be Uber-jealous. She used to sing that 'spoon full of sugar' song all the time. haha. I hope everything is good in jolly ole England babe, i Can't Wait to come see you again and maybe I'll even get cultured a little bit (not likely :-)). Love you


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Feb 20, 09:15:00 PM  

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