Lindsay Takes on London

Saturday, January 28, 2006

weekend time

so at Regent's College, my weekend starts at 10:30am on Thursday. CRAZY! haha. but i have had more reading to do this week / weekend than i did all of last semester at RPI. Thursday I ventured to the British Museum for the day, it was really cool, they have the Rosetta Stone there and a TON of Egpytian sculptures and sarcophagous's. I got there too late to take any of the free tours though, so I will definitely be going back. On my way back I stopped at a grocery store hoping to pick up some snacks / things to make me able to survive. Grocery stores here are WEIRD. They didn't have anything I expected them to have, but i ended up leaving with at least peanut butter, bread and chips, woo hoo! The food at the dining hall still sucks, this weekend so far for dinners i have had white rice and PEAS one night, and a baked potato another night. oh well!

yesterday i basically devoted to reading / homework, and then later i went to the student pub with Courtney and Rachel, two girls i met my first day here. The pub was,,,,,weird. its on campus, yet people get all clubbed out to go there like its some cool hot spot. There were a ton of people too. And they allow smoking = gross! Definitely was not the Ruck, they didn't even play any journey :-p.

today I wanted to check out this place called Covent Garden, its really cool. today they had an arts and crafts fair there, and there are also lots of street performers, like one guy on a huge unicycle, and human statues. it was cool. it took me forever to find it though because i went the wrong way once, but i made it. then i decided to take the Tube back ( the tube is the subway here). it is really really easy to use but they were doing work on the lines that i would normally take home so my route was a little creative haha. also it is set up alot differently than the New York or Boston subways in that is REALLY underground. Like far far far far far underground. In the station I took it from there was a voice recording saying "There are 193 steps to the Train Platfrom Level - which is equivalent to a 15 story building. please wait for the next lift for your own health and safety." i didn't realize it was THAT far down under! and when you try to come back up to street level you have to take this HUMONGOUS esclators, looking down is not a good idea! but i made it back safe and sound just the same.

what sucks is our dining hall closes at 4 on saturdays and i just got back at 5 so i just missed it. not that they were probably serving anything good! i've had all of my classes now and they are really interesting, and monday night i even go get to see a free play with my london film class. ok i think thats all for now...miss you all tons!


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