Lindsay Takes on London

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

leaving on a jet plane....

so today is the day! i'm leaving at 6:05pm from Boston to fly to London! ahhhh! haha. i'm not really nervous about the new country thing, more just about meeting people and getting to know people etc., its like freshman year all over again! i found out my room mate's name yesterday but thats all i know. so i'm leaving for the airport around 2pm, even though it only takes about an hour to get there, just because i am a very paranoid traveler and like to be where i need to be and all set to go hours before leaving. when i get to london it will be about midnight here and 5am there. what stinks is i guess they want us to get used to the time difference ASAP because our day starts as soon as we get to the airport. we have orientation and meetings and events until 11pm that day. YIKES! i am going to be one tired girl. classes don't start till Monday so I'll have all weekend to get settled too. i am a huge dork and am excited for classes to start because i feel like such a waste of life lately with no homework or anywhere to go haha.

well i hope that classes are going well for everyone in Troy, i bet its FREEZING there! its supposed to be in the 40s-50s in London but with rain alot....

crazy that i'm actually leaving! i supposedly have wireless internet in my dorm room so hopefully i'll be able to be on AIM and check my email within the first couple of days i'm there.

ok adios :-)


  • Hey beautiful,
    Good to see you made it over the big pond safe and sound. I went to AAA (Watertown's equivalent of Buckingham Palace) and they suggested I stay at this hotel in London and I wanted to share one of the reviews of it in case anybody reading your blog is interested in staying in London:

    London: Comfort Inn Kensington: "Jack the Ripper slept here (or so it seemed)"
    Jul 1, 2004: A TripAdvisor Member
    "The staff was less than helpful, but I don't blame them - they're clearly demoralized by having to work at a place so miserly they can't afford more than one ironing board for the entire facility (10 quid deposit, please).
    Who was murdered here? The wall paper had been slashed badly in some spots, and there was a suspicious splatter-mark on the opposing wall."

    Haha thanks for the advice AAA. I can't wait to book a decent place though and come see you Linz. Take care babe and good luck with your 'tough' classes.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Jan 21, 05:15:00 PM  

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