Lindsay Takes on London

Sunday, February 05, 2006

busy weekend!

so this weekend has been very busy and very good :-). Thursday night I watched a movie with Courtney and Rachel, the two girls I met the first day here, then I went down to our dorm lobby for "movie night" and watched another movie down there and hung out with some people I know from class. It was fun! Then Friday a guy that I have known since I was really young and is friends with my family but now lives in England came to visit, Jon - we went for dinner and then walked around picadilly circus (the times square of london), then went to see a movie. we went to see Underworld - Evolution, it was SUPER gory. I am ok with blood and guts but this movie took it to the next level! Then Saturday I took a day trip with school to Warwick Castle and Stratford upon Avon. Warwick Castle was reallly reallly cool and really pretty, it was kind of like Plimouth Plantation, but a castle, because there were some people dressed up and also lots of life size figures and such. It was really cool. We climbed a wicked tall tower though (5oo steps I think it was?) and my butt still hurts! Stratford Upon Avon is where Shakespeare lived / was born, it was actually pretty stupid. Like there was his house with a plaque on it and you could take a picture but you had to pay 7 pounds to just go inside, so we didn't. And the area all around it was just shops and stores most of which we have right near us in london. Oh well! Today we were supposed to go to Portobello Road and Market - if you've ever seen bedknobs and broomsticks, thats the one! But before we left I checked it out online and realized its CLOSED on sundays, who does that! So instead we checked out the science museum, which was really cool and really huge, we only did about half of it and it took us quite a while! So now here I am, exhausted from lots and lots of walking this weekend and STARVING because the refrectory doesn't open for another half hour with dinner! I also have alot of work to do tonight. Oh and tomorrow I start my community service, we are bringing disadvantaged children to the "english countryside" to teach them how to take pictures, i'm not really sure what that entails yet but we'll see! Then right after that I am going to see a play with one of my classes, called "Beautiful Thing". Sounds like a pretty busy week ahead!
love you and miss you all!


  • Hi Linz - I got your birthday card in the mail ON my birthday, thank you! We missed you this weekend, it was ridiculous, and I'm suuure Heather will send pictures... but let's be serious, you're in London and I'm back in Troy so I'm still jealous of you. Talk to you soon, <3 Leah

    By Blogger leah, at Mon Feb 06, 05:55:00 PM  

  • Hi Linz!!! I MISS YOU! :) Ok wow so much going on over there huh? You must be having so much fun because it definitely looks like it. And I know how much you love bedknobs and broomsticks so I'm sorry it was closed! And the Scotland trip sounds fantastic! yay! ok ttysoon! I wish I was in london! - Kel

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thu Feb 09, 12:07:00 AM  

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