Lindsay Takes on London

Friday, March 10, 2006

dan's coming SOON!

hi hi hi! so i just uploaded some new pictures, of my parents visit and my trip today. today i went to this place "Hampton Court Palace" with Courtney, Rachel and Courtney's sister who is visiting. Its where William and Mary lived and also where Henry the 8th lived! it was really cool, soo pretty, i want to live in a palace! The gardens were really nice too. We took a half hour train trip to get there but it was worth it. And the man that sold us our train tickets was really helpful and helped us saved a ton of money!
Yesterday I took a 2 hour walk to the "Museum of London". It was not worth my walk. haha the museum was just the history of london and it was pretty boring / reading intensive. i like when i can just go to museums and look and be entertained. then on my walk back the weather decided it would be a good time for a MONSOON / HURRICANE and i had to duck into a tube station to avoid being blown away! the weather has been reallly crappy lately. hopefully it clears up because
DAN YANKLOWSKI is coming on SUNDAY! i am going to get him at the airport and he will be there at 6:30am sunday morning. i am SO siked. we got a really nice hotel and have a ton of plans, its going to be amazing. Also, I am meeting up with MEGHAN GAUL tomorrow, she will be in London to see the Lion King so we are going to get some dinner afterwards, so siked! Two great people in two days!!!
I am so glad midterms are over, but i still ahve a paper to write and a 30 minute powerpoint presentation to make before dan gets here...yuck! ok time to switch laundry, love and miss you all! less than two months till home!


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