Lindsay Takes on London

Saturday, March 18, 2006

dan's come and gone :-(

so its Saturday morning and Dan Yanklowski is already gone. :-( booo. it was soooo awesome to have him here but it stunk a lot to have him leave. I brought him to the train station at 5:00 this morning and he should be back in rochester in a few hours i think! its crazy that spring break is already over and i am more than halfway done with the semester! i can't wait for this summer! we had an amazing week, and did SO MUCH STUFF! here is a recap, and i'll have pictures up soon, we took something like 185 haha.

Sunday - Dan got here around 6:30am, yay to waking up early haha. Then we took a train to Wimbledon, which was wicked cool. We took a guided tour and got to see Centre Court, First Court and the private press area and more. Our guide was really good, I don't know much / anything about tennis but he was really interesting and informative. Dan has decided that this summer he is going to teach me how to play tennis, so watch out! haha.

Monday - We went to Buckingham Palace to see the Changing of the Guard, not as exciting as we thought it would be! There were a ton of people and basically all that happens is the guards change positions and then a band plays some music. But I guess you have to see it if you come to london! Then we went to the Tower of London, which was way cooler than we thought it would be. We went on a guided tour and had for a tour guide the "Raven Master" Derek who is in charge of taking care of the official tower of london Ravens, apparently there is a legend dating back to when it was first built that if the ravens ever leave then the tower and england will collapse! basically this was where people got their heads chopped off, but it was also a mini town with a church, the crown jewels (which were so cool!), and lots of armour and weapons.

Tuesday - We went to Westminster Abbey and did an audio tour thing, basically like every famous dead english person is buried in the walls or floor of this place! it was really pretty though. then we went to see big ben and walked around a little, and got an amazing Cadbury Mini Egg McFlurry from McDonalds. Then we had tickets to see the musical "We Will Rock You", the BEST SHOW i have ever seen in my life. We were 4 rows from the stage and could basically see the sweat on the actors faces haha! not that i've seen many, but it was amazaazing! Dan loved it too, it was all great music and it was so much fun!

Wednesday - We woke up at the crack of dawn and took a Eurostar train through the Chunnel to spend a day in Paris! We did SO MUCH this day - Arc De Triumphe, Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Sacre Coure and Monmarte, and Notre Dame, and we walked in the Tulieres gardens. We both decided that London is WAY better than Paris because Paris is stressful since we don't speak the language, and we were bombarded with people trying to sell us stuff who got a little too close for comfort! We got back around 11pm to London and definitely fell alseep qucik from a looooooong day!

Thursday - While in Watertown Dan had seen a special on Windsor Castle, which is the Queens preferred residence and where she goes on weekends. So we took an hour long train to it, and it was definitely worth it! This place was HUGE and wicked old, we took a tour around it and saw the cathedral and the state apartments, definitely a cool day.

Friday - We were lazy because the week of walking all over the place was finally catching up to us, so we just went to the Science Museum and walked around for a few hours, then went on a crazy simulator ride!

So thats about it, we were definitely VERY busy and we have some great photos, Dan's camera unfortunatley broke but mine is ok so we still have alot to show for our week! It was soooo great to have him here but it went by way too fast! Hopefully the rest of the semester will too! Next weekend I am headed to Edinburgh Scotland with school, and the weekend after that my auntie Dee comes!


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