Lindsay Takes on London

Monday, January 02, 2006

getting closer!

So it is now January 2nd and I have a little over 2 weeks until I leave, :-o!
I had a great Christmas and New Years, and Dan came to visit me for a few days and New Years which was very nice. :-) I'm trying to figure out how much stuff and what exactly to bring, and finishing up some final paper work. I'm really excited now, still nervous but I know its going to fly by and be a ton of fun. I'm not sure if I'll have a room mate, I'm pretty sure I will but I don't think I'll find out who they are until I move in, which stinks! If anyone wants to mail me anything while I'm away (which I would LOVE since I always love mail :-) ) here is my address:

Lindsay Berard
Reid Hall
Regent's College
Inner Circle
Regent's Park
London NW1 4NS
United Kingdom

Yes I know thats like the world's longest address ever :-). Also if you want mail from ME then please email me at with your address. (if you live at pi phi or 2151 I think i know the address) haha.

Oh yea and here are the classes I'll be taking, in case anyone's interested:
*** London Film and Alternative Theatre Scene - I get to volunteer at a Bangladeshi shelter for this class! craziness.
*** Adolescent Pyschology
*** Art in London
*** Cultural Diversity in the Media
*** Killers and Thrillers - Murder in Fiction Films

I think I am allowed to drop one class once I get there but I will probably end up keeping all five because I'm really interested in all of them.

Ok that's all for now! London so soon = scary but yay :-)


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