Lindsay Takes on London

Monday, February 27, 2006

parents come and gone

so my week with my parents ended yesterday, but boy was it a good week. it was so nice to have them here and be able to spend time with them. we did SO MUCH! i think they were staisfied that they saw almost all of what London has to offer! some highlights - me and Mom went on the London Eye - its like this giant ferris wheel thing where instead of two seats per thingy they have these pods that hold up to 30 people! you take a 30 minute trip and go VERY high and can see a whole lot of London below you. Also we went to see Fame which was soooo good! We went to the London Zoo and saw cute penguins and monkeys, to the Science museum, the British Museum, and of course Harrods! It was also nice to get to eat at restaurants instead of in my crappy dining hall. But they left yesterday afternoon so now its time to focus on midterms, YUCK. midterms start tomorrow for me (i still can't believe its already the halfway point!). but Dan is coming in less than two weeks which is SUPER exciting and i can't wait! i really miss my girls but i know i'll be back in Troy before I know it :-) now i am off to go see a movie for my film class, and then later i have ot meet with the professor and watch ANOTHER movie with him for the same class, YUCK!
love you all!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

upcoming events to share :-)

so i know i just posted yesterday but i wanted to let you know what my plans are the rest of the semester. it is going to SAIL by me, as i only have ONE free weekend left till i go home!

Tomorrow - my parents come!
March 12- Dan comes for the week :-)

March 24 - Weekend Trip to Edinburgh, Scotland
April 1 - Auntie Dee comes!
April 7 - go see Mary Poppins with Auntie Dee :-)
April 21 - weekend trip to Horse Back Ride in Wales!
April 27 - May 1 - Trip to Dublin, Galway and Cork Ireland
Then the next week is final exams, and May 7 I'm back in the states! Holy COW!
Then May 21 - My wonderful sister is getting married, and May 22-27 I'll be in Punta Cana with Dan!

I can't believe how little time it seems I already have left, but I am SUPER excited for all my trips and hope I don't come home completely bankrupt! wish you all were here with me!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

whoosh ! thats time, flying by!

wow, another week over already, this is nuts!!!!
today I went to Stonehenge, it was so cool! I always thought Stonehenge was really neat when I was younger and learned about it in school, so it was so amazing to actually see it in person, and now I can tell everyone I know and my future kids, oh yea i've been there! haha. after stonehenge we went to Salisbury, its a town right near the rocks, it was pretty dumb - basically a mini london but not as cool, haha.
work as been seriously piling up on me lately, with midterms starting next week, how is that possible! my parents are coming on MONDAY! i am soooo excited for them to come! they are bringing me some things from home like peanut butter and some other stuff, its going to be sooooo nice to get to spend time with them here!
it's only rained TWICE since i've been here over a month, knock on wood. and it isnt foggy at all in london, just everywhere else in england, haha.
oooh this week was also valentines day, my aunt sent me an AMAZING package with lots of candy, some dvds, and other great stuff, it totally made my day! and dan sent me beauuuutiful flowers (again, haha i am soo spoiled!) you can see pics of those and stonehenge on my pics when i update them. speaking of dan, after my parents come, he is coming in three weks! i can't believe how fast this is really going by! oh and after my sisters wedding me and dan are going to the dominican republic for a week with some of the theta chi boys and girlfriends. i am SO excited to start my summer out right! ok well time for some downloaded tv before bed :-)
i miss everyone so much and can't wait for Super Sizzling Troy Summer 2k6 :-)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

time is flying by!

so this week has gone by SUPER fast! monday i did my community service in the "countryside" really it was just like a girl scout kind of park, like wind in the pines kind of thing. me and one other girl from my class were the only ones that went, and we were in charge of 6 7-8 year olds at a time for an hour, and did it for 3 hours. we went out side with them and they took pictures of different things in the park like shadows, light, water, etc. it was alot of fun, but all 6 kids had to share one instant camera so they got a little bratty at times. also the kids had never been to the countryside before and had never really seen mud, and boy was there alot of mud there! so they kept getting stuck in these huge mud puddles and we would have to pull them out - i was VERY sore the next day!
then as soon as we were done with thta, we met up with the rest of our class and went to see a play called Beautiful Thing. it was ok, it was about two 15year old boys that realize they are gay and "in love" with each other. we were pretty much the only females at the play, and also the only not gay older men which was a little weird.

then tuesday i had to go to this museum for my art class, Tate Modern, it was really cool but we didn't have enough time to see htat much and the tour our teacher gave us was SUPER boring. lucky for me my two night classes on tuesday and wednesday night were canceled! woo hoo! so that brings me already to the weekend!

on thursday night, i went with a bunch of people to this bar called cafe royale. we heard it was "indy night" but i wasn't sure what that meant hahaa. but when we got there it was SO SO FUN! they played like 70s / 80s rock / punk ish music and we just danced our hearts out for like 3 or 4 hours. it was nice to be able to dance and have a blast with out being at a creepy club where people try to touch you haha, and the music was so much fun. i am definitely going back there! only bad part was that a bottle of beer was 3.50 pounds which is 7 bucks! yuck.

then yesterday i had to go to ANOTHER play with that same class, this one was a bout a teen ager who was sent to prison for 3 months for stealing something stupid, and on the day before he was released his cell mate murdered him - because his cell mate was a psychotic racist and the teen was asian. this was a "documentary drama" which means it was all factual, so it was very very dry, and most of the time people were just reciting memos or letters and statistics so it kinda sucked. and we left here at 5:30 and didn't get back till midnight! AHHH.

today i am going to a big soccer game, i am SO excited even though i don't really like soccer that much i think it will be really cool to go because people here are so into it! then tomorrow i need to buckle down and do a lot of work, its scary because teachers are already talking about midterms, time is definitely flying by!

my parents are coming next monday and i am super excited about that, i can't believe its already almost the middle of february!

oh and in other news - i now eat special k bars, nutrigrain bars and BANANAs on a regular basis. who am i? haha. ok leave some love, i miss and love you all!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

busy weekend!

so this weekend has been very busy and very good :-). Thursday night I watched a movie with Courtney and Rachel, the two girls I met the first day here, then I went down to our dorm lobby for "movie night" and watched another movie down there and hung out with some people I know from class. It was fun! Then Friday a guy that I have known since I was really young and is friends with my family but now lives in England came to visit, Jon - we went for dinner and then walked around picadilly circus (the times square of london), then went to see a movie. we went to see Underworld - Evolution, it was SUPER gory. I am ok with blood and guts but this movie took it to the next level! Then Saturday I took a day trip with school to Warwick Castle and Stratford upon Avon. Warwick Castle was reallly reallly cool and really pretty, it was kind of like Plimouth Plantation, but a castle, because there were some people dressed up and also lots of life size figures and such. It was really cool. We climbed a wicked tall tower though (5oo steps I think it was?) and my butt still hurts! Stratford Upon Avon is where Shakespeare lived / was born, it was actually pretty stupid. Like there was his house with a plaque on it and you could take a picture but you had to pay 7 pounds to just go inside, so we didn't. And the area all around it was just shops and stores most of which we have right near us in london. Oh well! Today we were supposed to go to Portobello Road and Market - if you've ever seen bedknobs and broomsticks, thats the one! But before we left I checked it out online and realized its CLOSED on sundays, who does that! So instead we checked out the science museum, which was really cool and really huge, we only did about half of it and it took us quite a while! So now here I am, exhausted from lots and lots of walking this weekend and STARVING because the refrectory doesn't open for another half hour with dinner! I also have alot of work to do tonight. Oh and tomorrow I start my community service, we are bringing disadvantaged children to the "english countryside" to teach them how to take pictures, i'm not really sure what that entails yet but we'll see! Then right after that I am going to see a play with one of my classes, called "Beautiful Thing". Sounds like a pretty busy week ahead!
love you and miss you all!