Lindsay Takes on London

Friday, December 16, 2005

one month to departure!

holy cow! I can't believe that in a month I will be living in a foriegn country! soooo scary! It's beginning to sink in now that I am actually leaving soon to spend a semester abroad, but it still seems very unreal. I am very nervous, but definitely more excited than nervous now. I just hope its warmer in London than it is in Troy! I leave for London January 18th, which will be here before I know it. This semester flew by and it was spent in Troy, so I can't imagine how fast next semester will go by! Talking to Leah and Kara (who spent this semester in Milan, Italy) has definitely made me alot more excited and alot less nervous. They survived and had a blast so hopefully I will too :-) I am definitely going to miss everyone though - going from living in a sorority house to having just one room mate and not a million girls around will definitely be weird. And I am going to definitely miss "the couches" of Pi Phi, you girls better keep them company while I am away. haha. I will also miss my family so much - for those you who don't know, my older sister Lauren is getting MARRIED at the end of may and am one of her maid of honors! so it's going to stink to miss alot of the planning, but luckily I will be home for the wedding! Last but not least, I will miss Dan Yanklowski, the best boy in the world. We dealt with Watertown - Troy long distance, so I am hoping we can deal with London - Watertown long distance, even though it is a teeny tiny bit farther away. But my family and Dan will be visiting while I am away so that will definitely make things great. :-) Ok well starting this journal was on my to do list of things to do before I leave, so now I can check it off!

Feel free to leave me comments while I'm away, but make sure you write your name at the end so I know who it's from. :-D Thanks and I will miss you all!